wonderful Paul Cannon with Jessietalking about creating moments Parvindia Kaur about yin & yang AWE, Steve Poltz..
he has this crazy kind of humor that you don’t wanna live without..Steve Poltz sitting in his kitchen You should check out Steve´s songs.. Steve jamming in his living room squirrel or power spirit? Joel talking about the Native Americans.. Jerry Gilden sneaking in.. Jessie listening to Rich Martini Jamming with Shawn Rohlf & Steve with Baptist talking about forgiveness with Dianne in my favorite spot on earth, Topanga Cyn.. me.. focusing my camera.. creative hour with Jason with Frank in front of Café Gratitude Squirrel in front of a production company in Venice beach Irwin talking about life.. Jason in Hamburg Baptist in Sedona, Arizona Baptist de Pape himself Paul is an awesome Singer Songwriter.
Meeting him in San Diego was such an inspiring moment..Jason Mraz himself Paul Cannon himself